John MacGregor's Revenge article
Posted by:
NikW ®

12/13/2004, 13:15:24
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As I hope everyone is aware, the article titled 'Revenge' which was posted on this forum over a week ago - first made an appearance on a 'premie site'.

I have had a brief correspondence with John and he has asked me to clarify a few points for F8 readers.

Firstly John had not intended the 'Revenge' article for publication at this time nor in its present form - the words published on F8 are substantially those that John wrote in a form that was for comment and correction by others, the article was at best, a draft. Despite his treatment by the cult, John has retained contact with premies and two were sent copies of  the draft article - John feels that it must have been one of his two premie friends who provided the article for posting on the 'premie site'.

When the article first appeared on the premie site, various derogatory comments were added and the whole was divided across a number of posts. When initially posted on F8 the article appeared to include additions and duplications - Paddy provided a justified version and although essentially this is a fair representation of John's draft it does appear to be lacking some elements of John's original text.

The timing of the unauthorised posting (on the premie forum) raises a question about the poster's motivation - there are currently moves to bring about the 'settlement' that John refers to in the early part of the article, and the publication of what was essentially John's private thinking, seems designed to scupper any settlement. Of course one can speculate endlessly about who would be so motivated - the point perhaps is simply to note that this has occurred.

John has once again expressed his thanks for the moral support that he has been given by ex premies. John's preference is that the article be withdrawn from F8, and has requested the F8 Admin to delete it, however he is sensitive to the fact that not only will the article likely remain on the premie forum in an altered form - but that a number of F8 readers made written contributions in response to the article.

John has declined permission for the article to be published elsewhere..


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