Re: the natural course
Re: the natural course -- PatD Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
13 ®

05/03/2020, 23:57:31
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I really do hope some realignment of values can come about from this pandemic. Some of those city dwellers must be appreciating a breath of clean air and some peace and quiet, and a bit disturbed to find out how much more vulnerable to the virus they are because they have been breathing foul air for so long. Previously damaged lungs seems a big factor in the severity of reactions to the virus.

Myself, I'm fed up with the libertarian nazis who tool around in their SUV's, take a flight to somewhere they don't need to go, burn all the fossil fuel they like and don't give a damn about the consequences because they have a right to consume and the rest of us are apparently wrong to point out the damage they're doing. There's a bloke up the road, burns a fire in his garden whenever he can. One time he even set fire to an old mattress, causing such a stink half the neighbourhood went into his garden to put the fire out. He doesn't care there's a recycling place less than half a mile away he can dump his stuff for free, or that if he leaves it to dry out a bit that it would hardly make any smoke, or that if he left it, it would provide a wildlife refuge and improve the soil underneath and release far less carbon, and most surprising to me, he doesn't care that two doors away lives a girl with cystic fibrosis who doesn't do so well breathing his smoke.

These freedom to do what you like types who don't pay attention to the consequences, or even accept there are consequences have been pushing their short-sighted, selfish and destructive agenda far too long, and the world is on the brink of calamity. It's got to change.

You can fuck right off with that green nazi label.

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