Re: Speaking of the NHS, we missed you last night, comrade
Re: Speaking of the NHS, we missed you last night, comrade -- Jim Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

04/25/2020, 18:42:47
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We hadn't noticed any of our immediate neighbours doing that, but out of curiosity we went out & lurked in the garden for last week's 8pm group clap, & heard some imbeciles from further up the road at it.

Driving around, I'm still working on & off in a shambolic sort of way, but getting paid the full whack so ....., I see loads of these what can only be described as shrines, made up of teddy bears & home made posters, littering front gardens & street corners. All in homage to our wonderful health service. It makes me puke.

Once upon a time the English prided themselves on their superior ability to kick ass, now they get all patriotic about how great they are at wiping them.

They were deluded then & still are now.

Yes, this is bonanza time for all the little hitlers, but even though they appear to have the backing of elements in the constabulary, as far as I can see a lid is being kept on them.

How are things in Canada? We don't hear anything about  how you are dealing with this.

We went to Riga for a long weekend in December to go Christmas shopping. It was great & we really liked the Latvians...very calm & civilised people....& I finally got one of those Russian fur hats the size of a pumpkin, just in case there's a couple of ice age winters to come before the global warming really kicks off.

I mention this because it's quite possible that will turn out to be the last trip abroad we can ever make. I know quite a few people, not old stick-in-the-muds like me & Kate, but you could typify them more as freewheelers, who over the years have found inventive ways to live a jet set lifestyle on an ordinary amount of money.

I used to kinda envy them, but not now. They're stuck in their apartments in Thailand & their caravans in Spain & can't come back to earn the money they need to keep the show on the road. If indeed the jobs they used to do will still exist when the lock down is eased.

Love to Laurie from Kate.




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