Re: He also offers you a medicine, a solution
Re: Re: He also offers you a medicine, a solution -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

11/04/2004, 18:22:05
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"Any advice can be dangerous if no reasonable attempt is made to understand it properly. A degree of sincerity and a willingness to try and understand, by using your God-given intelligence, is generally required for good human interaction and communication"


"But if you want to be stupid about it, you can just take any quotes out of context and just not bother to apply any understanding. Luckily for me, I wanted to understand"

I am disappointed to see you being rude ,odious and smug Gok. I received Knowledge before you under cicumstances ,in some ways, similar to yours ( having read your other  informative and actually very moving post) and ,having been a premie for all this time have only now decided to take a long hard look at the whole thing. I never "wanted to be stupid " and I always tried to " understand " . Maybe it's NOW that I'm finally not being stupid any longer ? NOW that I am finally and painfully understanding ?? As for my " God given intelligence "  ...maybe I'm not as clever and wonderful as you...but I don't think I've had as much help as you've had either... oh ..and of course I'm a "she". I can't imagine how you could have thought otherwise. To me, you are quite obviously a bloke. 

Modified by Lexy at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 18:23:54

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