Re: disappointed to see you being rude ,odious and smug Gok
Re: Re: He also offers you a medicine, a solution -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

11/04/2004, 23:17:13
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I'm sorry if I was being rude, odious or smug to you, Lexy. I really didn't mean to be. That's just the way I quickly answered the point. I know I was replying to something you said, but when I said things like "if you want to be stupid about it...", I was talking more generally, and not intending to refer to you in particular - I was meaning "if ONE wants to be stupid about it...". Of course, you could still take offence from it that way too, as I was answering your points, but my tone was not as you have interpreted it. (It's always difficult on a message board to know - when there is no tone of voice or body language.) So I was being a little brusque, a little blunt, but I really wasn't getting at you personally. Sorry if that's how it sounded. I have spent a lot of time writing on this message board, and I cannot always get it right, I don't spend as much time answering every post as I would like to. I'll be more thoughtful towards you in future.

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