As I have said a few times previously, he does not say that he is NOT "the Lord", he does not say that he is NOT "Satguru", he does not say that he is NOT "Perfect Master". (If you think that he has ever said that he is NOT "the Lord", or NOT "Satguru", or NOT "Perfect Master", could you show me some evidence, tell me where he said it - in what publication, on what tape or CD can it be found?)
At expressions events - where some premies in the audience speak personally to Maharaji - a few premies have occasionally referred to his "divinity" (as you call it) - not referring to him as "God", but as "Lord" or something similar - and he did not say anything to discourage them from saying what they said.
You've already conceded that Rawat has a "large influence" over what EV says. Okay, here's EV:
This is a straighforward, explicit denial that he is the Lord.
You lose, GOK. Now deal with it.