Another example of premie dishonesty -- I'm gobsmacked!
Re: Calm down Jim -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

11/01/2004, 19:12:09
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(3) 'The use of this title, which was used only in the '70s—an era of love for all things Indian— does not imply any claims that the person is holy anymore than the use of "His Excellence" means that the person is an embodiment of excellence.' - Is that a lie? I don't think so, not if the previous sentence is not a lie. (Note that this sentence states that 'The use of this title...does not imply any claims that the person is holy...'. It does NOT state that the person in question is NOT 'holy'.)

This is one of the grossest examples of patent sophistry I've ever seen.  I know all I need to know about you.  You're not worth wasting another keystroke. 

Modified by Jim at Mon, Nov 01, 2004, 19:47:29

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