Re: Maybe that's not a great example
Re: Third post is a charm -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

10/28/2004, 13:06:37
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Well at least I was the first to say it!

Let me be very clear:

Maharaji used to say that he was "Satguru" and "Perfect Master". He rarely mentions that now, at least not in the West, not in English-speaking countries. But he does NOT say that he ISN'T "Satguru" or "Perfect Master".

And he also used to clearly suggest that he is "Lord" (and premies were "devotees"), and likewise he doesn't normally suggest that now. But he has not said that he ISN'T.

So I can accept all that. I have no problem with that whatsoever. Maybe others have, but I have not. I am more and more realising who or what Maharaji is - someone who can put me in touch with my own heart (etc., etc., etc. - I'm sure you have heard it all before, but for me it's a reality). For me Maharaji is a very special person, a very exceptional person. I don't want to put a label on him. He doesn't want to have labels put on him. It's the reality which is important, it's the experience which is important. I would rather have a wonderful experience of Knowledge and not have any label on Maharaji, than have a poor experience yet somehow convince myself that Maharaji is "Lord", or whatever. The reality is what it is - without the need for labels. The reality is that I greatly appreciate Maharaji for all he has done for me, for the benefit I have received from receiving and practicing Knowledge, and from all the inspiration and guidance Maharaji has given me. If Marolyn or anyone else wants to see him as "the Lord", that's fine by me - it's just not a term I would use. I am happier with the term "Guru" or "Satguru".

If Maharaji - whether he is "the Lord" or "Satguru" or "Perfect Master" - says that he is not "God", that's fine by me. I can accept that.

So I hope I have made myself clearer.

I am not asking anyone to believe what I believe. Beliefs change. It's experience which is the most important thing, and I have a very good experience of Knowledge. I don't really care whether I believe Maharaji is "the Lord" or not - I don't even know what that term "the Lord" means exactly (nor, for that matter, do I understand what the term "Son of God" means, when applied to Jesus. For me the term "Satguru" is a much simpler term which I personally prefer. But whatever label anyone wishes to put on Maharaji, I just know, from my own experience, that he is someone very special, with a very special gift to do what he does. So that's how I talk about Maharaji, rather than using some term such as "Lord" which I don't really fully understand.

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