Re: To GOK re divinity, EV and Rawat
Re: Re: To GOK re divinity, EV and Rawat -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

10/26/2004, 10:13:37
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Hi GOK or Godo (which do you prefer?),

There's one thing that you cannot dispute and that is that Maharaji got up on stages dressed as Krishna, wore a jeweled crown, sat on thrones, and his feet had nice silk pillows to rest upon.  He didn't do this just as a child-guru, but as a young man in his twenties. Maharaji had a lot of say in how those stages were built, and especially what chairs/thrones he sat upon during those programs. Were you at either of the week-long Hans Jayanti festivals in Kissimmee, Florida?

Rawat also told lots and lots of stories about Krishna and other Hindu avatars, sometimes while he was dressed up as Krishna.  He also spoke about Jesus.

I never once heard Prem Rawat disabuse the premies about the the beliefs the vast majority of us had about him being the incarnation of God.  He never told us to stop singing Arti to him when he was up on those stages.  Or not to kiss his feet in a darshan line.  He never said:  "Wait, stop that! Damn those Mahatmas!  They're confusing all of you premies! I'm just a human being, don't be worshipping me like that. It's not correct, I'm just human being."  I never heard him say anything like that, especially when I lived in an ashram or when I was at DECA especially.  Just about everybody I knew in Miami considered him to be the Lord God.  And this took place in western countries, Europe, Australia, and the United States, where most of us were brought up in a Judeo/Christian culture.

What I did hear him say a lot was, "Surrender your life to Guru Maharaj Ji.  Pray to Guru Maharaj Ji.  Come to Guru Maharaj Ji as a beggar."  And he wasn't talking about his father, either.

In 2001, Rawat said:   "I’m me. I am a human being. ... I’m proud to be a human being. ... I am also happy that I can feel joy and pain like everyone else."

I don't know about you, but I find that statement to be quite weird for someone to say.  "I'm proud to be a human being???"

As opposed to what? 

Modified by Cynthia at Tue, Oct 26, 2004, 10:23:42

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