Re: What did those words of arti mean to you when you sang them back then?
Re: question for Godo -- dant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

10/21/2004, 19:21:14
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Hi dant, actually I can't sing! But I used to "sing" (or mouth those words) very quietly back then. I liked the words, some of the words rang true for me, others perhaps not so much, at that time. But I was uncomfortable about it being sung after satsang when there were people there who did not have that kind of feeling or belief about Maharaji and Knowledge. There was a kind of social pressure for everyone to sing it, whether they felt and believed it or not.

And I didn't like the way it was fervently sung by some people (at the front!) with their "devotional" faces and postures - that was kind of off-putting. They're quite entitled to behave whatever way they wish to behave in the privacy of their own homes, but I didn't think it was appropriate for them to be like that in public! That's how I felt.

In the 1970s I was not the kind of premie who went around with badges of Maharaji, or pictures of him in my bedroom. To me Knowledge was an inner experience, and that was my main focus - Maharaji has always emphasised that it is an inner experience. I have always been very down-to-earth, and not someone who tends to "follow the crowd", I think things out for myself. I understood why some premies were displaying external shows of affection towards Maharaji, but I did not have very strong feelings like that myself, so I didn't really do that. But I had some feelings towards Maharaji - I greatly admired him and greatly appreciated his wisdom (and still do), and I was very grateful to him for the gift of Knowledge (and I still am), but it wasn't so emotional with me as it was with some people. It was perhaps more intellectual for me. Maharaji's words, and the experience of Knowledge, made sense to me, rang true to me.

It's the experience WITHIN ME which I have always felt was the most important thing, and, as that has grown, my understanding of the connection between my inner experience and Maharaji has developed.

I think that experience within me - which is within everyone - is a connection to a superior power. It's a connection to something beyond my ego. It's a connection to a creative force within me. There are many different ways you could refer to it. And I suppose I would believe that it is that same superior power that gave Maharaji the gift he has - the gift to lead people from darkness to light. So I think meditating on Knowledge is a direct connection to that superior power within me. But I never regarded it as like some sort of mobile phone connection to Maharaji! And I don't have all the answers. Many things remain a mystery.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - William Shakespeare.

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