Prem Rawat: "You only hit those people who you love. "...(amended)
Re: Re: So good, I posted it on ELK's "Wit and Wisdom" page -- PatD Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

10/21/2004, 10:17:33
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I hastily put this together this morning.  Additions/edits are in red. 

I found this particular "whatever it is" training to be quite funny, hilarious, actually.  I almost felt guilty for laughing so much because there were real people there, and it is, in fact, oppressive and dark. 

Rawat  misuses the English language frequently, mixes his metaphors, and blames everyone around him for wasting his time. He sounds so incredibly uneducated, uninformed, and stupid.  From the perspective of someone outside of the cult, the way Rawat speaks makes it clear that his world/life experiences are terribly limited; he is limited to watches (does he ever exclude the word "Rolexes," which, in this one he criticizes?), cars, jets, restaurants, eating, etc.  He doesn't know much about the world and that's what jumps off of the page for me in this "session."  I find that astonishing because he's a world traveler and enormously wealthy.  Rawat has been insulated from real life and real everyday people for so long, and this particular training displays that very well.

I did a word search count on the document and came up with nearly 50 "brain farts."

These are a few statements that popped out at me, much of what Rawat says doesn't make any sense, but these were telling to me. I think Rawat would be a psychoanalyst's dream client (no pun intended).

I'm just asking you as a normal, sane human being. (Okey Dokey)

I've go to to ask myself why I'm here.  (no shit Einstein) LOL!

Don't be afraid falls under conscious. Some people should be, some should be very afraid.  (Fear, and more fear)

See you should have thought before you spoke. If you had thought, you would have talked louder so everyone couldc hear you. Like you are yelling at your mother. You are in India, you have no problem, you yell at people, they yell at you. Louder you speak, the more love. You only hit those people who you love.  (This is the prize-winning comment!)

"Dark thoughts," prelude:

There's one more rule I'll give you as a freebee, no dark thoughts. Ultimate doubts. No dark thoughts really helps me too. One time I was coming from LA to Miami...

...Threee: dark thoughts are bothering me. What if. What if. Well, I have to see when I get there.

I could alreay see the storms. The dark thoughts, the doubts, the Ravan in us, starting gathering. I just said no dark thoughts. Within two minutes we got a call and there was a good, beautiful, clear shot.

Dark thoughts include negative thinking. You can include everything in no dark thoughts.  [End of dark thoughts]

In the real world you don't get all the information that you want. You don't. You have to fill in a lot of the blanks. When those blanks are filled in consciously, with knowledge not ignorance, it works out good.  (Real World???) 

What do they tell you on TV? Do your research. Maybe the answers are amongst you. When exercises happen, they're like live situations.  (Huh???) Nominate for Dead Seed Scrolls!!!!

Don't try to beat these rules. They are the only friend you've got. Facilitators are not. It's the only thing that will keep you from going at each other's throats.  (Um, you're the Facilitator! Brainfart, brainfart!)

People, let's not go off into our own tangent here.  (LOL!)

(V announces "The Blind Leading the Blind" exercise.)  (I'm rolling on floor, laughing!!)

Where does the breakdown happen? When people put their foot down and become individuals and say no this is what I want.  (Yes, that's exactly what happens in your world, Goomraji!)

Confidentiality is a measure of a person's backbone. We admire those people who don't talk behind our backs. That's a very great quality in people. Those people become our friends. These are really things we should aspire for. No dark thoughts. I am the one who came up with that. I'm shocked how so many of the saints have said, trust. I have to put in my work, but I can trust. And brain farts. It really stinks.  (This statement reminds me of the last struggling days of Richard M. Nixon, right before he was forced to resign in disgrace, who became a lost man, isolated from everyone, except his  last few remaining friends and family.  The issue of confidentiality is crucial for Rawat, because, like Nixon, he has so much information that must be protected or guarded.  "Executive Privilege."  Nixon became a sad, pathetic character who misued power and dug himself deeper into the hole of self-deception and the deception of others.  I recently read an old book by Barry Sussman, The Great Cover-Up:  Nixon and the Scandal of Watergate.  Sussman was the special Watergate Editor of the Washington Post.  The book is dated, but quite a page turner.  He used the terms "The Emperor Has no Clothes" on more than one occasion when referring to Nixon's isolation and oblivion.)

You know Kennedy died. You know there's a lot of things he could have done to stay alive? But it's all hindsight to create the list. He ain't coming back. Analysis is for the living, not for the dead. Please people don't become history. Because I can tell you at that moment when you are fired from this team, you will find your commitment, your clarity, but it will be too late. And the team will do it. It's not an easy process to kick someone out. 102 violations. That's the record. Maybe we can set up the other team so they break your record.  (Nonsensical babble.) (On second thought, the sentence saying "Please people, don't become history," is a pleading remark, quite telling, too.)

And....drum roll....nearly 50 brainfarts! 

Modified by Cynthia at Thu, Oct 21, 2004, 12:37:35

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