Weird phone call....
Re: After all this time, Ron Geaves responds --Joe?... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/03/2004, 15:46:47
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Alert Moderators

Firstly, the  member of the so-called " Hate Group "  who suffered a brain tumour is well known to this forum. He is mentioned but not identified on the Elan Vital site but on another site ( pos. Enjoying Life , I can't remember ) his name is mentioned. I asked him about this by E mail  a couple of days ago, and it seems that the illness, though true, was completely mis-represented for propaganda purposes. On the Elan Vital site FAQS , under the title " Is the Hate Group Credible "it is suggested that this person quit Rawat somehow BECAUSE OF the brain tumour. However he told me that the illness was years and years previously and that at the time, after his recovery, he thought that Maharaji had saved him !!  


(I am not mentioning his name out of politeness but he may post and confirm this .Es tu la ?)

Secondly, it is strange that these posts about harrassment have suddenly appeared ( Divine Grace ?) because when I got home tonight there was a weird message on my telephone answer machine. I did 1471 to find out who had left the message and it was the SMS TEXT STORE and not a personal number ( ie. anonymous ).

The message said in a spooky ( automated?) voice

        " You're going down , Sister ! "

I have never received malicious calls before and it could just be a random nutter, however the use of the word " sister " made me feel uneasy!! I have given some personal details on this forum so is the call forum related ? Has it happened to anyone else ?

 I immediately contacted the Mod. but he hasn't got back yet and as I'm in need of some reassurance I thought I would tell you all. ( What the hell...! )



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