Shit--remember when that whacko premie called my town police?..
Re: After all this time, Ron Geaves responds --Joe?... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
gerry ®

10/03/2004, 14:49:09
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What weirdos. Bjorn Edwardsen was his name. He was hated and protested against in his hometown in Norway as neo-nazi sympathizer. How about them apples? The chief laughed it off. We now have a new chief of police and he's a neighbor living about 500 yards from me and we be cool.

Plus, when I was FA a few years back, I would get these phone calls when I'd be online. For a while it was several times a day. That's after I made the mistake of trusting one premie named Carlos with my telephone number. Dumb me!

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