Thanks for the post. It does help to have a voice recording instead of just a transcript.
After hearing this, a premie would have a hard time talking to a new recruit. "No, Rawat is not God in human form, or a saint. He just gives speeches around the world talking about inner peace. But he is definitely not an inspirational speaker either."
One other thought: Does Rawat cringe at the thought of a person with Knowledge setting up an altar to him in their home?
The Keys
I notice in the EV link that the Keys consist of a total of 100 hours of video viewing before a person can ask for Knowledge, 20 hours per each of the five Keys. Can this be true? That's quite a commitment. If a person watched a single hour-long video a week, it would take two years. I would never have received Knowledge under those conditions because the videos are boring. What Rawat has to say could easily be summarized in a single one-hour video for each of the five Keys, I'm sure. After that, it's a whole bunch of him repeating himself over and over again. The old days had so much more feeling in them, in regular nightly satsang with just the premies.
If each video is one hour, then there are 20 videos per key. Who is going to pay for all these videos, the aspirant? If the videos are just a dollar, that would be a $100 fee just to ask for Knowledge. Who is going to spend that much time and money when you can learn the techniques for free on the Internet in about five minutes?!
Why in the world does it take this much instruction before a person can look for inner peace?
This seems like such a bad idea. Of course I am just speculating here based on the limited information that EV is releasing now. Maybe it's not as bad as it looks. But I think this is really not going to work for Rawat.
My own view, of course, is that the five Keys are an indoctrination into a belief system.