Rawat's thoughts on Empty Garbage and Inspirational Speakers
Posted by:
Euro Mod ®

09/22/2004, 14:31:29
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The attached audio file (approximately 1 mb) may add to  the debate below in respect of Maharaji's shift from being seen as the Lord of the Universe to Something Else.

Unfortunately I do not have a date of when this was recorded and if anyone can help that would be great.

Also it is worth noting what Elan Vital now has to say on Maharaji's role.

What is Maharaji’s role?
Maharaji introduces the possibility of finding peace within and offers a practical way of doing so. He offers inspiration and guidance in this ongoing process.

This small audio file will be placed in the Forum 8 Gallery in due course together with some of the more recent Hilltop scans.

Euro Mod

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