Who am I talking to? How long have you had Knowledge? Have you realized it yet? Do you even think about realizing it? Or is that a concept that has evolved away? And don't call me "Pumpkin."
Receiving Knowledge (via the Keys) is not self-regulated. How many videos you watch per week is self-regulated, but you are still required to get through all of them. At least that is how it seems to me, judging from the limited info that is available from EV at this time. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe you can move on to the second Key without viewing all 20 videos for the first Key.
It will be interesting to me when more is known about the Keys. Rawat is so hard to pin down, but the Keys should make it a little easier to establish just what his teaching actually is. Since it has evolved over the years, I don't think that anybody really knows for sure anymore.
I am willing to bet about the contents of the first Key. (Wanna bet?) All religions start with the same premise: There is something wrong with you. Buddha's No.1 Noble Truth is that life is suffering. Christianity says that you were born in sin and are a sinner. Rawat says that you are missing out on inner peace and don't know the feeling of your own heart.
After you are told what is wrong with you, then religion offers you a solution. Buddha's solution is the eight-fold path to go beyond the suffering inherent in life. Christianity's solution is Jesus dying for your sins. Rawat's solution is Knowledge: practicing four techniques of meditation and listening to him talk in perpetuity.
They are all basically the same. Just the words and methods are a little different.
They all start off with a lie. The truth is that life is as it is and we need to accept it as it is, not condemn it or try to better it or escape it. The truth is that we are as we are and we don't need to condemn ourselves or escape ourselves or better ourselves. There is no heaven, no Nirvana, and no inner peace that we have to get to by making some kind of prolonged effort or being on some kind of path. The truth is that our fulfillment must be found here and now, just as we are, through the simple acts of living and loving and learning.
Beware the Keys, people. Don't let Rawat tell you that (1) you don't have peace, and (2) he can help you find peace. The truth is that you have a heart and it is close to you and you can listen to it if you want to. You don't have to change, or do any practice of any sort in order to feel it. Just live and learn and love. You will be just fine.