Re: speculations on the Keys
Re: Re: speculations on the Keys -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
so hum ®

09/23/2004, 15:37:58
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So these 'contact people' will be what we used to call 'instructors'. It will be up to them to decide that the person is ready for the next video, the next key. That's smart. You think he had trouble with his old mahatmas, he'll have no control over the 'contact people'. It will be interesting to stay abreast of 'the keys' as they play themselves out in this latest re-invention of the master's agya. In a few years we will be watching something else develop and become implemented that will be even better than the keys. We need to get someone interested in finding out about this and report on it, would make a great school excercise.

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