what ever
Posted by:
elo ®

09/17/2004, 20:07:42
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Hi  i have been reading the exbaba website ,and found something icould relate to. i know people on this forum like to concentrate on rawrats finaceial missdeeds. and other blatent lies. what afected me the most , was the spiritual side. anyway on the exbaba site two ex members were talking about haveing dreams of sicky baber,which was a cool thing to experience in that cult. And now no longer involved,how could they stop those images from being seen or felt. I have experienced something similar. I got to a point where i could feel guru ratys vibe or presence within me and around me.  (how did i know it was his vibe? i just did, howzat for critical thinking!)   I thought iwas lucky ,this knowledge is realy working. Haveing left it turned into , how can i get rid of this fxxxing vibe.   No longer beleiveing  what i felt was good,i freaked each time this vibe or that vibe came over me .  I had no control of it.  The vibe or presence i could feel in my chest,it was as though my thinking was comeing  from my chest,this feeling would take control of my consious mind for a few moments.  IT may not be cool to express ones madness on a public forum,    but there will be some who can relate to it.       I depowered the vibes ,by distanceing my beleifs away from the spiritual.  By questioning my thoughts,by introspection of my mind .    Easy to say , hard to do,   it takes time.

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