good vibrations
Re: what ever -- elo Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

09/18/2004, 05:53:04
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Hello elo,

I haven't had anything to do with Rawat in a very long time. But those "vibes" you're talking about I've had and have many times since. Falling in love, being at a concert or disco, reading Virginia Woolf, walking through the woods, swimming in a beautiful lake, taking a hatha yoga class, to name a few times. The vibes are "real" in the sense that they are part of the workiings of your nervous system. It's serotonin, a wonderful invention of nature. If you want to experience it full blast, swallow an MDMA pill. You'll get the whole month's supply released in a few hours. Of course for the next two days you'll be miserable – stockpiles all empty.

What's not real is that it comes from Malibu Prem. That is a belief, one of many in the non-religion religion I like to call Rawatism. You know I love religions, from an anthropolical perspective. Studying various religions, including Hinduism and Christianity, is the way I deprogrammed myself originally, in the days before EPO and all that.

Since that time it's been a hobby of mine. One thing that is universal and extraordinary in humans and their obsession with religion is their ability to put themselves into altered states of consciousness – call it the holy spirit, possession, communion, nirvana or whatever you like. It's homo religiousus at her/his best (or worst?). I say worst, because this very natural part of the human spectrum of emotion has been so distorted by bizarre philosophies and their resulting uglinesses that our part of our shared history.

One time I was camping out in the woods all by my lonesome. At night the temperature dropped drastically as it is wont to do sometimes in the winter months in northern Florida. I nearly froze to death. I actually had to get up and literally dance around a fire to keep warm.

The next morning, when the sun finally shot it's infrared rays through my frozen bones, I had such a feeling of bliss and well-being that I think I've never had before or since. I felt like the whole experience was a recreation of a day in the life of our primitive ancestors. That feeling of joy is what restored my sense of hope and will to go on – exactly as I imagine it was for our great. great, ...., great grandfolk in their perpetual struggle with the elements. I can tell you, I was certainly worshipping the sun at that moment.

So enjoy the vibes! They're our heritage.

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