Re: I remember the end of that period differently
Re: I remember that period well -- T Top of thread Forum
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10/27/2005, 16:16:44
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I remember it somewhat differently though I'm pretty sure there were many different possibilities in DLM then. I recall that at the end of the "devotional" period there were actually more practising premies than in the preceding decade even though it had been diffidult to "receive Knowledge" since 1975.

Far from being a "deprived" time it was an emotionally very rich and intense time so there was no feeling of deprivation, quite the contrary. I thought even then that it was the external events in society, namely the revulsion caused by the Jonestown massacre and the jailing of Rev. Moon and Hubbard's wife by the US government that caused the demise of DLM. Dettmer's evidence that possible future financial problems for Rawat that might come from the ashrams also influenced it. It was a bolt from above, unexpected and unwanted by the premies when the ashrams were finally closed and satsang ended.

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