The contemporary power of marketing and a gullible population
Re: charisma, power, and control - landmark forum vs rawatism -- d Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nya ®

09/05/2005, 10:10:11
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Maybe you have just learnt the first lesson, d, of the subjective nature of the human being. It is not that there is a problem in being subjective, or only able to perceive within the human spectrum, that is normal.

The problem lies when people use their understanding of human vulnerabilities for gain.

How do you think feudalism arose? Why is their still an 'aristocracy' in Britain, for example? Why do we look for 'leaders' and why do we vote for politicians?

It is because it is the oldest game in the world, even older than the oldest profession.

A classic co-dependency. You believe in me, and give me something, either your homage, your goods, etc, and in return I will let you believe in me and you can give me something, either your homage, your goods etc.

It is simply the first tenet from the primer of salesmanship. Never give a sucker an even break.

We have an unfortunate tendency as a species to give away our power to anyone who tells us they know more than us, or anyone who scares us by telling us they have power over our primal fear areas (eg death). Hence the disproportionate influence of medicine men, doctors, priests and religious authorities. We think they know something we don't about death, and we are all too willing to let them pronounce for us.

Now Rawat was born into the Indian variety of religious prognostication. Hence he uses different techniques from the ones we have become inured to in the west. But it is the same game.

Charisma is the salesman's gift. If he has charisma, it is so much easier to convince people. And people are just like lemings, so willing to go with the group flow.

We are a pitiable lot.

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