I loved you dearly Prem
Posted by:
Henna ®

06/10/2005, 11:10:33
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I just wanted you to appologise for all the decades of confusing, unnecesary negative messages you engraved in my mind and in of those who put all trust on you.

My mind is not my enemy.

I called you a few times a "soul rapist" and more too.  I was very, very angry at you for all you have done to me and others.  I appologise if it hurt your feelings.

I still need your appology, so I can heal my broken heart further, or for good. 

"You are so vane, you think all the songs are about you..."

God is my true LOVER, not you.  That is why I received K to begin with.  No, you didn't show me God.  You were stoping me from knowing GOD, MY truth.  You just wanted me to serve YOU and have devotion for you forever and ever.

I truly loved YOU.  Forgive me for calling you horrible names.  You are just a con man,so far, and that shows attacking the truth of what you are really about.  Money and Power.


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