Well, sort of, but not really.....
Re: Re: Are the Keys simply a trap to legally gag ALL remaining premies for ever? -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

05/26/2005, 19:12:53
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Well, first of all, there is a big difference between a licensing agreement and that bizarre thing Rawat's got on the keys site.  You are just "shown" the techniques and the "keys" videos, you aren't licensed to "use" either one, unlike something like software.

If someone purloined the Keys website and materials and tried to make money off of it, or go into competition with the BM in the master business, there might be a case, but the Keys bullshit goes a lot farther.

There is no way in the United States at least, that you can waive "fair use" and ability to critique and criticise any product, property or writing.  Now, how much you can reprint in that process is up to a court to decide, but the idea that waiver of the right to do so is enforceable is absurd, mostly because the individual has to do it before they even know that any of it is.  I can't imagine the cult winning in court on that.

I mean, legally, Rawat is providing a service and a product and you can't tell somebody they can't critique it, talk about it, or use examples of what it is to explain why they have the opinion they do.

The cult would have a claim for copyright or trademark infringement even without that bizarre "agreement."  It might be used as evidence in support of a claim, but then, really, what are Rawat's damages, since he claims to provide all this for "free" anyway?  They might seek injunction to get somebody to stop, but the only other thing a court can do is award money damages, and Rawat claims to not make any money off the keys, knowledge, or his "mission," right?

It's all such bullshit.

Modified by Joe at Thu, May 26, 2005, 19:18:21

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