So, Jon, would you apply that definition of trust to others?
Re: Re: **** This is the best line a premie has ever written!!! **** -- jonx Top of thread Forum
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04/12/2005, 16:14:04
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Let's say your best friend said one thing one day, and the opposite the next. Would you trust him that what he is now saying was true, and not call him on what he said yesterday? What if it was a politician that you respected? Would you continue to respect him? What if it was your doctor, who diagnosed you with one ailment one day, and the next changed his diagnosis without any explanation of how he got it wrong the day before? Would you trust him? What if it was your wife, who one day said she had spent the weekend with her mother, and the next day told you she had spent the weekend with her girlfriend? Would you trust her?

No, Jon, you are trying to redefine the English language. This is not trust. Accepting revised explanations without asking for an explanation of the change, is evidence that something has gone wrong in your brain.

I wish you healing.


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