That's no way reasonable...
Re: Sure, that's reasonable... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonti ®

03/31/2005, 10:56:05
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If logic worked on Jonx, then he would have realised his contradictory position already.

And I have certainly not sworn at Jonx -- I have not responded to his provocative language except with euphemisms. I have continued to be be polite, albeit in a witheringly rude and English sort of way.

That's taunting? If it is taunting to vigourously and lucidly spell out the logical implications of deluded positions, making fun of the logical contortions of the deluded, then yes, mea culpa. But is it a Bad Thing vigourously and lucidly to spell out the implications of a deluded position, when appeals to logic and reason have failed?

I'm inclined to think not, but then again, I would say that, wouldn't I?

-- never a premie

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