Please allow me to introduce myself ...
Re: Re: That's no way reasonable... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonti ®

03/31/2005, 11:56:59
Author Profile

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The name is John Tucker. You will be able to find many postings from me under the handle JohnT, starting in Forum5 days and running up to about a year ago. My first posting under the new monicker of Jonti was made here on 23rd March.

I believe I have the unique distinction of being the only "never" ever to feel the wrath of Rawat's abuse of legal process. It's not a very interesting story, except for revealing just how low even a prominent firm of London libel lawyers (in this case, Schillings and Schillings) will stoop to pick up a few bucks from Rawat's coffers. Well, I say it's not very interesting, but I expect the partners of Schillings and Schillings would be fascinated were I to recount my experience of their involvement with Mr Rawat.

So a friendly word to the you guys over at "Schillings and Schillings" of London -- don't even think of repeating what you did to me ever again. Not to me, not to anyone posting here. It might actually matter next time, in which case I will not find it nearly so amusing. So instead of having a bit of a chuckle at your gaucherie, I will more likely be so pissed at you I will set about to cause you a great deal more trouble and expense than you can cause me. You chose to act for a rather obvious crook, and acted in a rather odd way while doing it. Please take this as a friendly "heads-up" to clean up your act, guys. Even crooks won't use a firm that's gotten its brand badly sullied.

Anyway, my involvement with these forums dates way back to around 200o, I think. I know many premies through my wife, who received "K" from an Instructor called Irene (in the eighties, I think, who lived over Clapham Junction way. PatC, who knows everyone, knows the initiator I mean).

Mind you, I had come across the Divine Light Mission long before I met my wife and her premie friends, way back in my teenage school years. My mates and I called them the "Blight" even then, but it wasn't until a few years later that the full horror of the Personality Cult of the False Messiah become apparent.

My chief claim to fame in ex-premie circles probably derives from a poetical work called Unholy Trinity, and, in particular, a poem called J'accuse.

-- never a premie

Modified by Jonti at Thu, Mar 31, 2005, 12:08:08

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