Hi Joe
Re: Hi John -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonti ®

03/31/2005, 16:21:30
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Thanks for your kind words. I've pretty much always been been an atheist and I guess that's why I never believed the Messiah was here.

The legal thing was grubby, and made a *very* bad impression, quite the contrary of what was hoped for, I imagine. Essentially, instead of complaining to my ISP about the contents of the Unholy Trinity site, Schillings and Schillings, a prominent London lawfirm, wrote to my *employers* with a nonsense story about me using my employer's resources to build the site! It was a blatant attempt to get me into trouble with my employers. But it was almost comical because the lawfirm used an old, discontinued website address. I'd changed ISPs and moved my site more than a year before!

These sorts of shenanigans do Rawat no good at all, I'm happy to say.

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