The recurring Rawat cult tactics
Re: Hi Joe -- Jonti Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

03/31/2005, 18:35:29
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Happy to hear that even with the big law firm the cult got nowhere with going after you.  I wonder why they felt so threatened by your website.

The cult has a number of times tried to blackmail and attack people who criticise the Lord.  First, there was the CAC website, that suggested people to contact our employers and professional associations, etc., and tell them we are criminals.

About 18 months ago, cultmembers sent a psychotic-appearing letter to my employers, saying that I has harassing people on the internet.  All it did was make my employers have an extreme dislike for anybody related to Mr. Rawat, and most of the people there had never heard of him before, but now they have in the worst possible light. 


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