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Interesting Michael Dettmers letter to Terry Yingling re Jagdeo | ![]() | ||
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After Michael Dettemrs got a threatening email he posted it on the Forum in October 2000. He then got a letter from Elan Vital (Terry Yingling), and he responded and posted it on the Forum. It's very interesting his responses regarding Jagdeo, and also about those meaningless "proclamations" Rawat got in the past, and is again trying to get to improve his PR. It also has interesting comments about all the dope Prem Rawat used to smoke when listening to Peter Frampton records at full volume. This is what Michael posted on the Forum in October, 2000. The EV letter is in double space, and Michael's letter follows that, single spaced. _______________________________________________
I received the following e-mail from Terry Yingling, a member of the Elan Vital PR Team in response to my "I’ve been warned" posting on October 15, 2000. My response follows. October 19, 2000 Attn: Mr Michael Dettmers Dear Michael It has come to Elan Vital's attention from your recent posting that you have been the object of a threat. From what you appear to be saying, you are assuming the threat came from someone representing Elan Vital or Maharaji in some way. Though I feel saddened that it has come to a point where you could think this, I would like to assure you that the message that you received does not come from Elan Vital or Maharaji nor would it comply with any policies of either of them. For some years now, Elan Vital, Maharaji, his family and the many people who choose to listen to Maharaji's teaching have been attacked by various web sites but have not, do not and will not engage in like behavior. Everyone has the right to his or her own opinion, and if you wish to post on this forum, that is your choice and prerogative. Neither Maharaji nor Elan Vital would ever endorse harassments or threats of any kind. Maharaji has repeatedly expressed his wish for all people to grow in their lives, either with or without knowledge. We would like to take the opportunity to clarify some of your statements regarding the Jagdeo situation. Elan Vital did take Susan Haupt's assertions very seriously and did take action. It was largely through your efforts that Ms. Haupt brought her complaint directly to us. We offered to meet with her in an effort to help her and we asked what else she wanted Elan Vital to do regarding the Jagdeo matter. As her representative you informed us that she only wanted to be heard and did not wish to take the matter further. When the Mahatmas in India were released, each of them was asked if he or she had done anything wrong that they needed to account for. Jagdeo's response was negative (which may or may not be true). The person who interviewed Jagdeo, following the allegations made on the Internet, was the person who is responsible for the organization in India and the appropriate person to do so. This is different from when you were involved. Jagdeo was informed that if there were any truth to the allegations against him, he would face the legal consequences of his actions. We believe it is important for us to bring the above directly to your attention. Sincerely Terry Yingling For the Elan Vital PR Team Dear Terry, Thank you for your e-mail response to my "I’ve been warned" posting on the Ex-premie Forum on October 15, 2000. In your response, you interpret my assertion that, "I have received my first warning, no make that "threat", from the pro-Maharaji camp" to mean that I am equating the "pro-Maharaji camp" with Élan Vital and/or Maharaji. While I can understand that you and others may have come to such a conclusion, I did not. In fact, I would have been very surprised if it came from Élan Vital and/or Maharaji if for no other reason than some of the specific threats that were made would be at odds with the terms of my contractual agreement. By "pro-Maharaji camp" I was simply referring to those cult members who still feel that it is their responsibility to defend their Lord from attack at all costs - Fakiranand style. Of course, such a warning would never have come from Élan Vital because, as you point out in you FAQ’s, Maharaji isn’t running a cult, nor is he anyone’s Lord, at least not any more. Obviously, Bill M has not yet come to grips with Maharaji’s re-interpretation of the past. Terry, I do not question your sincerity. However, I do believe you are being duped and used in much the same way Bill Clinton deceived those who were around him into believing that he was telling the truth when he denied having sexual relations with Monica Lewinski. Based on his denial, Clinton’s supporters, press secretary, and PR people strongly defended the President when he was under attack on this issue. When he finally confessed to the truth, they were justifiably angry and disgusted at being deceived and used to perpetuate his lies. I believe your situation is similar to theirs. Let me give you but one example of what I am talking about. In your FAQ "What were some of the changes made by Élan Vital?" you state that Maharaji "was recognized by several US cities for the significant effect his teaching was having in leading people away from the ‘drug culture’. As such, ashrams worked for a while precisely because of what was going on socially in the era in which they came about…" I think it is reasonable to interpret this statement to mean that the ashrams worked in the 70’s because they were sheltering its residents (including me) from the dangers of the drug culture. If that is so, it is completely at odds with what was going on during that same period, night after night, in Maharaji’s residence in Malibu. After Maharaji had dinner, he, and most of the residence staff, would gather in his living room to listen to music on his incredible sound system. As good and expensive as the sound system was, however, its effect was greatly enhanced by the joints that were freely passed around. Don’t get me wrong, I liked getting stoned and there is nothing quite like being passed a joint that had just been toked on by the Lord. When everyone was ripped, Maharaji loved to play "Frampton Comes Alive" at full volume. To me those were great times, but please spare me the bullshit about protecting us from the drug culture. The awards Maharaji received in this regard were a joke. They were as ridiculous as Elvis Presley receiving an honorary FBI badge from Nixon. Now, let’s talk about something far more serious – the Jagdeo situation. In my opinion, you completely miss the point when you continue to put the onus on Susan to do more than what she has already done. You already had enough evidence to properly address this matter. But you did not handle it properly, and here is my reason for saying so. Without any need for your patronizing tone, I am aware that things have changed since I left. But I do not believe that Maharaji has delegated the responsibility of making instructors to anyone other than himself. Of course, the instructors may be employees of, or independently contracted, by Élan Vital, but they always have been and still are "Maharaji’s" instructors. Just ask them whom they think they really work for. You state that the person who interviewed Jagdeo was the appropriate person to do so. I strongly disagree that the person responsible for the organization in India was the appropriate person to interview Jagdeo – unless, of course, the intention was to distance Maharaji as much as possible from what was becoming a potentially dangerous situation. In my opinion, Maharaji should have put any such considerations aside. When in India, he should have confronted Jagdeo personally. And, because I have no doubt that Jagdeo is guilty of the allegations as Maharaji would surely have discovered, Maharaji should have publicly disgraced him and allowed him to face the legal consequences. Maharaji should then have made a concerted effort to track down Jagdeo’s victims, personally apologized for the inexcusable actions of one of "his" mahatmas, and offered some restitution. That’s what a real leader would have done. But, of course, I forgot, Maharaji is not a leader according to your FAQ’s. Well you are absolutely right on that count, but not for the reasons you cite. Maharaji is not a leader because he is a coward and a hypocrite who is totally lacking in integrity. Michael Dettmers
Modified by Joe at Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 11:55:23 |
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