actually it is even more vague than that.
Re: I think it was 200 iin 2003, so 300% increase would be 600 in 2004 -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

03/13/2005, 15:44:36
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What the press release actually says is: This year, the number of sessions where the techniques of Knowledge are taught grew by 76% in Europe and 300% in North America compared to last year.

This says nothing about how many people actually received Knowledge, only the number of sessions. I think this is weird and at least suggests that this must be the better of the numbers. That is, the increase, if there even was one, of people receiving K is less dramatic.

With all the new DVD technology that they seem to be implementing, they are perhaps having more sessions with less participants in them than was previously the case.

In any case, obviously the really interesting number is the amount of people actually receiving K. That this most basic number is not mentioned and rather talked around speaks for itself.

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