I was pleasantly surprised to find the links page on your ex-sai-baba website. I'm very impressed. It had many interesting websites by so many ex-followers of Sai-baba, and I learned a lot reading them. I was encouraged when I read some of the forums that are already set up for former members of Sai-Baba and was happy that you already have an online community that you can plug into.
It's such a comfort to me to post be able to post on this ex-premie forum and not have to explain everything about the Rawat cult to fellow ex-premies here (we were all there and understand and empathize so much more with each other, than if this were a forum for many different ex-cult members).
So, once again, it seems to me you would benefit so much more by sharing your experiences with other ex-sai-baba folks. Why is it Andries, that you don't post on any of the ex-Sai-Baba forums?