Perhaps we should put together some sort of pimpin' open letter to Young People With Knowledge and ask John and JM if they'd kindly leave it on EPO. We could compare and contrast our own experiences as "young people" coming to Rawat with theirs. Compare the idealism and naivite, the enthusiasm in finding something apparently meaningful to belong to, good people to trust. Contrast the relatively straightforward, honest and specific message then (I said "relatively"!) with the hyper-vague, dececptive package they're being asked to accept today. It sounds like there's a real disconnect between old time cult members and new recruits which actually leaves us an important opening. After all, we're not afraid to talk with them, we don't have anyone discouraging us from doing so.
Yeah, I think a really good open letter is the way to go. And you just know that sooner or later it will make its way, however furtively, through the funky groovey [sic] parties, where every Thirsty Fish will have a chance to pause and think "What the FU*K am I doing here anyway?!"
And, after all, if we can just remind these guys that there are questions to ask, damn good ones at that, histories to know -- sooner or later, no matter how SoulCoolChillin' the cheesy tunes and graphics are -- then we've upset the cult's apple cart.
And no, I don't have any qualms about talking about this publicly. What is the cult going to do? Warn the kids to avoid the internet?