Re: How many ways can something be uncool?
Re: How many ways can something be uncool? -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Nick ®

03/04/2005, 04:50:39
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'Uncool' is one way to categorise these activities - but 'sinister' is another. The concept of  throwing parties "that have no direct introduction to Maharaji.... to make an environment where it is easier to get to know people and invite them to an event" gives me the shivers.

It also makes me feel sorry for the young premies involved in this. It reminds me of the days when you couldn't even wait at a bus stop without feeling the pressure to introduce fellow passengers to maharaji. I can so easily remember the mental contortions I would go through thinking about how to start up a conversation with someone but knowing that the outcome had to be some mention of the glorious knowledge, blah blah. There was nothing normal in this, in the same way that I guess that deep down (depsite the propaganda to the contrary)  there is not much fun for most of the premies in the parties that they are now indirectly being encouraged to organise / attend - yeah, have fun but never forget that the only reason to do this is to recruit more people to the cult.

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