Oh yeah, we were real humanitarians......
Re: This is important stuff... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

03/03/2005, 14:55:17
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In my recollection the whole WWA thing happened during 1975, maybe towards the end of 1974 as well.  There was also something called "Performers of the Living Arts" (PLA), which kind of went along with it.

Bottom line was we went to nursing homes and the like, and we perhaps gave satsang to some of the residents, and I remember one time the ashram I lived in went to a home for mentally handicaped children for Christmas Day.  One or two of the premies in our ashram worked there and set it up. 

We didn't go to our families because we were in the ashram which Rawat said was our "real" family, and those kids were probalby orphans or who knows.  Anyhow some member of our PLA played music and we danced and played basketball with the kids. 

It actually didn't happen that much, but it did tend to soothe my bleeding heart impulses and went along with what I was told when I received knowledge, that Maharaji would be "feeding all the people," etc. 

Anyhow, both WWA and PLA came to screaming haults when the ashrams (and the communities, really) kind of fell apart in 1976 and premies starting getting some semblance of their own lives.  By 1977 we are in the dark, Catholic period, and the idea, the very idea that you would exert any effort in "service" for anyone other than Maharaji was just considerd the most absurd blasphemy.

In fact, Maharaji even said, explicitly, that "service" only qualified if it was "service" to HIM.  So, after that, we had the ashrams filling up again, DECA, slave labor camps in Miami, selling flowers on the streets of America for the Lord of the Universe, and other kinds of "service" like that.  Those kids in that home could just get their own entertainment as far as Rawat was concerned.  Who do they think they are, anyway?


Modified by Joe at Thu, Mar 03, 2005, 14:56:19

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