Re: Brilliant Analysis....and
Re: Brilliant Analysis -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Dermot M ®

02/09/2005, 21:40:22
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Yes, Joe, a pleasure to read George's post. As you say, very well written, too. Cheers George. No, it wasn't that opaque

I know exactly what you mean, too, Joe about the trance like suspension of one's faculties when the so-called listening to ones heart via satsang took place. I think this is one of the reasons why Premies, in the main, aren't capable of discussing Prem and his world rationally.....even if they are capable and intelligent in many other spheres of life. This trance like suspension is the " truth" to a Premie and it's almost an insult to question it with lower forms of activity such as reasoned thought. This position is continually re-inforced by Rawat himself.It doesn't matter if he rambles on disjointedly, it doesn't matter if his life, words and deeds are  a bundle of contradictions. In other spheres of life those things would matter ....even to Premies....but in Rawat world they just aren't applicable Also,no doubt, the Premies were probably in this state of " truth" (read: Rawat Zombie trance, ho hum) and it was this that probably perplexed Johnathan after a programme he went to. Everyone sitting in their own little trance for a short while before rousing from the Divine slumber/trance, hahaha. A lot of the time I'd just nod off, too. Have a Divine snooze while that truth seeped into my " heart". Who needs a mind, after all!

I also agree that the " move on" directive is one of the most insidious aspects of Rawatism and, as you point out, it's issued by him ( and echoed by Premies) for purely selfish reasons. I f, ultimately, you're not prepared to fall in line with the personality cult then, for Gods sake, take a hike but do it quietly! Then come all the jibes about  living in the past, hateful obsessiveness etc etc. Also, they've reconciled themselves into following in the footsteps of such disreputable orgs as Scientology, for instance, and consciously learned tricks from it....that is obvious.Again, it ultimately doesn't matter. " Truth" is more important.

As usual......beneath the surface......a sad, sick, sorry affair.

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