Re: Maths doesn't lie--AHEM, they do if you don't include India!
Re: Maths doesn't lie -- Sir Dave Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

02/05/2005, 03:54:14
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Sir, I would like to point out that your maths(sic) do TOO appear to lie.  How about India?  One of the most recent events in India had more than 250,000 people.  Some of the Knowledge sessions in India were 50,000 plus people.  It may be true that the numbers in the West don't equal those in India.  I would say that a true propagandist would conveniently "forget" to tell us about the Indian figures.  So in the interest of fairness, let's include the India numbers when we're talking about the success or failure of propagation.  OK?

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