So when are you going to apologize, Jim?
Re: A reality check re John's "apology" and his article on M -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

02/04/2005, 00:27:40
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Don't you think it's about time you apologized too?  Your hero JM did.  What about you, Jim?  You've bullied and berated for so long that you probably don't have the humility available to do so.  All those people you've insulted and maligned over the years.  Now is the time to fess up.  Come on, reach deep down and get some of that humility you used to have.  You know, like when you would bend down and kiss someone's divine feet?  You had humility then, Jim.  Where did it go?  John is giving you the perfect opportunity to start over.  Join hands with John now and with all of your heart, just say "I'm sorry".  You can do that much for your friend, can't you? 

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