Has Prem Rawat EVER apologised for anything significant ? Has he EVER admitted making mistakes ? I'm not talking about little apologies and little mistakes ( to close friends and family ) , I'm talking about about the larger ones.
I really don't want John to be any more upset. I've been very ill with depression ( a few years ago , now) and there really ,really is a healing and an end to it ,and a positive way out and back into life.At that time I was still a premie and although I was far too ill to meditate I did use to kind of beg maharaji to help get me out of it. I think a belief in a loving, supreme power ( as I saw it) definitely helped me at the time. I almost feel it was essential for me to have believed that unconditional "love" and "care" was somehow "rooting" for me. Now I don't think "Maharaji" needed to have been in the equation. The old fashioned God without a human body would have served the purpose for me just as well !! I do feel for John though, and I also know that when I was feeling as low as that I would try anything that might make me feel better.......and lead me towards life again.