Re: Visions of the Wrath of the Perfect Master and his True Devotees
Re: Re: Visions of the Wrath of the Perfect Master and his True Devotees -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

02/02/2005, 19:36:57
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Cynthia, I think there's a lot in what you say, my point about the "us v. them" thing -- well, you are right that ultimately, that's true, in the sense that whatever you think, you never know what the cult might do in reaction and as I said, after CAC this came to a whole new level.  I actually think John's situation is even a level beyond that.

But what I was saying is that I don't think it's all that healthy to feel that way when participating in the Forum, because what happens then is it becomes tit for tat, attack and counter-attack, they said this, I say that, and escalation.  I just don't think it works if somebody is feeling that way and I think it's better then to pull back and get back to the original purpose, which is to get out the truth, help people who are leaving, support people, and, for me at least, try to prevent a cult from re-writing my own history with a bunch of smarmy cover-up because actual facts are inconvenient for the latest PR buz from Elan Vital.


Modified by Joe at Wed, Feb 02, 2005, 19:39:07

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