"If you don't want any more "wobbles" then I strongly suggest you do not read EPO, do not participate in this forum, do not educate yourself about cults, do not raise any doubts in your mind. That should do it. Just keep watching them Videos and Satellite transmissions, or as you quite rightly put it "listen and watch and find yourself tuned in to an experience inside that brings peace love and understanding." But ask yourself "How deep is that love and understanding?" "
Very clever, Thorin
....however, as a newly exed premie, I suspect that John B's wobbles have always been there...just like mine were.Maybe the word "wobble" isn't the best one."Wobble" is a good word when you can put it down to something clear and identifiable ( as JohnB does re: Bob Mischler's interview ).
However, for me,there is another kind of doubt...it sits ever present, all seeing, all knowing as regards my own special and unique life . This doubt of all doubts is my own compassionate, caring , intelligent power of reason and questioning. The trancey escape of "satsang" might dull it's edge and keep it at bay temporarily, and meditation may provide some smiley relief......but in the end the strength of my belief in my own autonomy and independence of thought and being, provided a constant buzzing backdrop of doubt.
This inner feeling of strength is enough in itself to encourage me to walk away...but add to that the constant drip caused by observing the absurdities, inconsistencies and sometimes downright ugliness of Prem Rawat's organisation in it's various incarnations, and my resolve is strengthened .Eventual disentanglement and release after so many years now seems a possibility.
Personally I haven't done any "propagation" for years and years...I simply didn't have enough belief in the product anymore....although I continued to practice Knowledge and go to see Maharaj Ji.
So what I am trying to say is.......for me EPO provided the death wobbles and the final nails in the coffin, but my trusty "doubtmaker " had been shining the torch towards the exit for years.
I am fed up with nothing in Prem Rawat's world ever making any sense. Like JohnB , I too bought the "story" that nothing was ever Rawat's fault and any incompetence,confusion and chaos should be blamed on the premies. Allowing myself to recognise that the "Master" is so very far from perfect is a painful pill to swallow.
Where do I go from here? I don't know.
P.S. "John B." ....(we had another nice premie who posted as "Godonlyknows".)....is this another Beach Boys fan ?