Re: Wobbles and Doubts
Re: Wobbles and Doubts -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
John B ®

01/31/2005, 20:08:43
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P.S. "John B." ....(we had another nice premie who posted as "Godonlyknows".) this another Beach Boys fan ? )

As it happens, I play keyboards in a Beach Boy tribute band, and am a fan. "Godonlyknows" isn't me, though it's probably my favourite Brian Wilson song.

And EEK, I HAD better keep away from EPO then! (As recommended in another post).

I reckon if I made a study of the nuts and bolts I'd soon manage to stir up some good doubts too! So I steer clear as much as possible, and can easily draw the criticism that I'm a "blind" believer. Not so! If I judge Maharaji it's on the experience that he repeatedly shows me. Which, sadly is pretty invisible from the outside.

Nobody said this would be easy by the way! All I can say is that there's something there, folks, but for the most part it's simply obscured by - well - whatever it's obscured by! I KNOW I've had some cracking times with knowledge, and I suspect that most people here have, but it's very easy to belittle the memory of it. When you were HAVING that experience it may have been all consuming.

But sheesh - I've got to stop typing soon ...

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