Re: Glen Whittaker is (relatively) innocent
Re: Glen Whittaker is (relatively) innocent -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

01/29/2005, 19:28:43
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Come to think of it, Glen Whittaker has a lot in common with ex-premies.

I feel really sorry for the man. Of course I don't know anything  about his personal circumstances, & it isn't any of my business, but I get the impression that he's devoted his whole life to the service of the Satguru, & he isn't one of the favoured inner circle investors, just a competent manager in the topsy turvy world of the lotus who floats on an ocean of shit, yet remains forever pure.

I know lots of ex-ashram premies rightly have a big beef about being turned loose into the big bad world when they were relative whippersnappers of 30 or so. Imagine having to contemplate doing it when you're pushing 60.

If I were Glen I'd use my insider knowledge to rip the little fucker off, as did Michael Donner by his own admission, & retire. But that's just me. I don't think Glen is that type, but is Rawat the type to give him a decent enough pension to make him keep his mouth shut.

Only time will tell.




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