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Re: Christmas Revised - Does anyone remember? -- Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Harry ®

12/26/2004, 00:58:02
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Ashram members were told that they must relate to the directions from the coordinators as if they were from himself. So it really doesnt make any difference 'who said it'.
Maharaji being the leader is vicareously responsible.

Members of the ashram lived under the rules created by Guru Mahaharj Ji.
Here is an exerpt fromt he rule book written by M.

A. Personal Conduct

1. Members must be willing to completely cooperate with the directives of the Ashram Supervisor. The Ashram policy is determined by Guru Maharaj Ji. The Ashram Supervisor is directly responsible to Guru Maharaj Ji for the maintenance of every aspect of ashram life. Members should, therefore, follow the instructions of the Ashram Supervisor and help life in the ashram to flow smoothly.

Related link: Ashram book written by Maharaji

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