Great! Than fill out this form...Lol
Re: I stand corrected!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Snaphead Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

12/30/2004, 03:27:49
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It a "Women's Movement Questionaire": A Prem Rawat and DLM thingy.

This attachment looks like a job application to me. It's from 1975. The benefits of getting a non paying job with him is a part of the mind abuse! Along with his Agya ~ you do what your told to do.

Just give everything you have to Prem Rawat along with your precious time ~ away from family and friends. To work for nothing... as a humble slave for The Lord. To find peace within only by His Grace. It was and still is a Sick Cult Scam.


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Modified by Hilltop at Thu, Dec 30, 2004, 05:31:06

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