Re: You're right, Hilltop! Jim's got a ***BEST***
Re: You're right, Hilltop! Jim's got a ***BEST*** -- Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

12/28/2004, 01:28:54
Author Profile

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You can say what you want but please don't swear. Lol!

I agree with you. And I really love freedom fighters like Jim and Cynthia, even though they are much more than that.

Here's another attachment about Prem Rawat and his Cult talk.

Thanks for posting... Hilltop

Uploaded file
8_DARKMIND2.JPG (886.3 KB)  

Modified by Hilltop at Tue, Dec 28, 2004, 02:00:20

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