So, it was not the Indian Mahatmas who said this stuff, huh?
Re: OF COURSE that was the directive -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

12/26/2004, 20:03:53
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Maharaji himself said this, right?

And Maharaji said this in 1979?  Gosh, that would make Maharaji (born December 1957) over 22 years old.  Hardly, a 13 year boy Guru under the influence of his older brothers and mother and Indian Mahatmas.

How can Elan Vital claim that people other than Maharaji were responsible for the whole "Lord of the Universe" debacle?  Are they that dishonest?  Are they that deceptive?  Where is the "sat" or truth in satchitanand?  I guess you need to discard the truth when you are talking about making a living and attracting new cult members.  Holy freaking sheesh!

Hey, here's a classic Maharaji video (circa 1978).

"When you unconditionally surrender to Guru Maharaji"

Big Version 876K:

Small Version 257K: 




Related link: Guru Maharaji Info Website with Videos
Modified by Babaluji at Sun, Dec 26, 2004, 20:08:24

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