Re: Thank you, Mary -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
MaryM ®

12/19/2004, 16:26:42
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Hi John,

Thanks for your thoughts. I think you're well making up for any selfishness of practicing Knowledge with what you have done with your contributions to this site.

I believe practicing K IS selfish, but everything everyone does is selfish, even pro-social behavior (e.g., volunteering for a social cause). All social behavior is goal-oriented. There is no such thing as "selfless service". Social psychologists have done studies and shown that people give more money on the way to confession (when they're feeling guilty) than when they're not on the way out. Many people engage in pro-social behavior to help elevate their mood, or feel better about their own self-image, or to engage in social networking.

I think many people who followed Maharaji were sincere in wanting to better themselves and by doing that, improve the world at large. It was a pretty believable concept that a lot of us swallowed, hook, line and sinker. I certainly hope you are not kicking yourself too hard over it.

Sometimes I really feel angry and sad that I wasted so much time. But I can't change it now...might as well get on with life as it is.


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