And another thing...
Re: I've said it before and I'll say it again... -- Babaluji Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

12/18/2004, 19:18:13
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Maharaji announces...

Oops, Maharaji has accepted an invitation to attend a 3 day event in Los Angeles in January....

Ok, the problem is that premies must always anticipate that there will be a program they will absolutely have to attend because they "need" to see Maharaji so desperately for their little fix that lasts a week or less after the program.  And, again, to me towards the end I recognized the feeling as the result of a hypnotic performance by Maharaji in a Pavlovian venue.  And in the end, I found the experience felt alien and spacey and simply not that enjoyable.

So, there you are as a premie and you are always waiting for the next program and waiting for the next Amaroo and because you shot yourself in the foot by getting Guru Maharaji's Nollidge instead of going to college you've never achieved your potential and you're behind all your peers and you don't have a lot of money.  Of course, if you are some kind of Australian aristocrat and you have a lot of old family money attending these programs on a moments notice is not a problem.  But, that's not you.  You're always alittle short of cash, but you're always willing to pull out another credit card and fly off to Timbuktu on a moments notice.  And to hell with your husband or your wife and your kids and all of your worldly obligations.  Maharaji is the most important thing in your life.

But isn't that strange?

The Nollidge is perfect and complete.  And it was already within you.  All you have to do is go inside and experience it.  So, why do you need to see Maharaji?  And especially why do you need to see him if he is no longer the "Lord of the Universe" or God as Elan Vital keeps trying to say.

Premies, real premies who know the score, go see Maharaji because they do believe he is GOD.  It's that simple.

What a convoluted mess!  And what a mess you end up making of your own life.

And would Maharaji make the same personal sacrifices if it meant that his lifestyle, his comfort was going to be jeopardized?  Hardly!  Not in a million years.

All the twisting that it takes to be a premie makes me sick.  Thank God that I finally got out.

Modified by Babaluji at Sat, Dec 18, 2004, 19:20:00

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