Well, for a finish.
Re: Well for a start... -- Doc Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Will ®

12/13/2004, 09:30:37
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You have a valid point.  Not much of one, but a point, which is, I take it - don't judge the Keys before you view them.  Ok.  Granted.

 I admit I have made a preliminary judgement, based on preconceived impressions.  But I feel fairly confident about my prediction, if you will, that the Keys will be more of the same and this will bore a lot of people.  On the other hand, some people seem to never tire of Prem Rawat.  I think they see him through rose-colored glasses that make him seem a whole lot more than what he really is.

As a premie, I would have welcomed a more intimate type of communication from Rawat, such as what you indicate - him speaking directly into the camera, perhaps from his own living room, for even more homeyness.    However, as an ex-premie, I would still be waiting to see if there is any content that strikes me as open, honest, and true.  I am afraid that I would react to what he says about the inner experience in a negative way, since I have found from my own experience that the attempt to go "higher" or "deeper" into oneself is a mistaken effort.  And everytime Rawat opens his mouth, what he has to say is so transparently self-serving that it makes me sick.  You know he is not going to say anything except that which perpetuates his own little cult, as if he and his teaching is what people need to find fulfillment.  The very most basic thing about him is the self-absorbed, narrowmindedness of his outlook.  He refuses to acknowledge that fulfillment is entirely independent of himself.  What a sick mind.  Truly, it makes me shudder to see a human being talking in such a misguided way.  And it makes me shudder to think how much credence I use to give that man.

Although this subject is of interest to me, it is not enough of an interest for me to actually obtain a Key video and watch it.  And I could if I wanted to.  Easily.

p.s. Who are you?  I can't keep track of all the aliases and the rumours about who really is who.  I suppose you're Derek Sombodyorother, or some other Australian.  I think you Aussies are all descended from the British criminal element.   Course you could say much that same thing about Americans.

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