Some observations
Re: Rawat's three pronged pitch fork -- gerry Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
lurker ®

12/09/2004, 22:49:26
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As I slowly (trying not to be noticed) exited from Knowledge I used to try and cover up the embarrassment of having been in a cult by talking in a confident voice about my "cult days".  I tried to make my listeners jealous that they too hadn't had time in a cult like I had and got to do all the fun things cult members get to do. 

This has been an interesting thread for me and I notice that someone wonders where all the exes are - why aren't they posting.  Well maybe they are just plain embarrassed - or maybe like me - they are not that proud of some of the things they did for Maharaji in the cult and are worried that they might not just get harrassed by Maharaji and his thugs but also (and in some cases justifiably so) negative feedback about the way they behaved when they were a gung ho Maharaji follower.  This is a little the case with me - I have some apologies to make to some very nice people - but they aren't yet posting here as far as I can gather. 

Trying to pass Maharaji off as a harmless religious guru is an extremely lame way to go and shows that premies still do exactly what M wants in exactly the way he wants them to do it which also shows the lies of M saying we wrote the ashram manual and opened the ashrams and then closed them again; we mistakenly mistook him for god when he was just a motivational speaker etc. etc.  - obviously agya is still the go.

Some Australian premies are really embarrassing themselves and a premie friend of mine recently pointed out that the guys being used to criticise this forum have had very little personal darshan at all.  The people in Aus who got the most darshan (except for the obvious LS) don't actually practise K any more.   

Cults are weird - drugs are bad.


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